The Calvin and Hobbes Backdoor

About The Backdoor:
On November 18, 1996, the eleventh birthday of Calvin and Hobbes, Universal Press Syndicate began rereleasing the comic through its official web site. The backdoor allows you to view a rereleased comic from the date that you choose below. This page will only work with JavaScript-enabled browsers.

About Version 3.0:
This version allows the backdoor to work with the new UPS archives format and presents the picture in the same window.

Why You Will Get Errors:
If I wanted to make this file huge, I could have it change every day so that only the strips that are available are shown. I thought that would be a little rediculous. So, while you can use this to open every strip, UPS has not placed every strip on their site, and an error will result if you link to a strip that is more than 11 years old. For example, on April 15, 1997, every strip up to and including April 15, 1986 will be available.

If you try and load a strip that has not been posted, you will get your browser's error symbol. If, after loading an available strip, the image is the size of the error icon, select "view image" from the right-click menu. After clicking "Back" to go come back to the backdoor, the image should be the right size.

Last Updated: 9/10/97