About the Movie - Casting

Notes about the Cast:

* Alec Baldwin (Ryan) was replaced in the next two Jack Ryan movies by Harrison Ford. Baldwin was already involved with other films when Patriot Games began production.

* Tim Curry (Dr. Petrov) is better known for his comic and theatrical/singing roles. He created the role of Dr. Frank-N-Furter in The Rocky Horror Show (also in the movie), played the hilarious butler, Wadsworth, in Clue, and Rooster in the movie of Annie. It is amazing to see how he can be very serious is his perfect-communist role.

* Fred Dalton Thompson (Adm. Painter) is known for much more than his movie roles. He is better known as Senator Thompson, R-Tenessee, who led the Senate Campaign Finance hearings during the Summer of 1997. He drew on his acting experience as a "Clinton stand-in" for Bob Dole's practice debates during the 1996 presidential campaign.

* Daniel Davis (Capt. Davenport), has not appeared in any movies or other television shows since he started his role of the butler, Niles, in CBS's The Nanny in 1993. (That show went off the air in May, 1999, so perhaps he will be seen on screen again.)

* Only three women have speaking parts in this movie: Ryan's wife, his daughter, and the flight attendant. All three say their lines during the opening titles. (a different flight attendent is seen at the end of the movie, but she does not say anything.) This was not sexism on the screenwriters part, but true to Clancy's book.

Partial Casp List:
Dr. Jack Ryan - Alec Baldwin
Capt. Marko Ramius - Sean Connery
Adm. James Greer - James Earl Jones

On The Red October:
Capt. Vasili Borodin - Sam Neill
Political Officer Ivan Putin - Peter Firth
Dr. Petrov - Tim Curry
Lt. Melekhin (Engineer) - Ronald Guttman
Leginov (Cook) - Tomas Arana
Kamarov (Officer) - Michael Welden
Victor Stavin (Officer) - Boris Lee Krutonog

On the USS Dallas:
Capt. Bart Mancuso - Scott Glenn
Lt. Comm Thompson - Anthony Peck
Seaman Jones - Courtney B. Vance
Chief of the Boat - Larry Ferguson
Seaman Beaumont - Ned Vaughn

On the USS Enterprise:
Adm. Josh Painter - Fred Dalton Thompson
Capt. Charlie Davenport - Daniel Davis

Skip Tyler - Jeffrey Jones
Ambassador Andrei Lysenko - Joss Ackland
Natl. Security Advisor Jeffrey Pelt - Richard Jordan
Capt. Tupolev (Konovalov) - Stellan Skarsgård
Adm. Yuri Padorin - Peter Zinner

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