About the Movie - Movie Trailer
This is the original theatrical trailer (or preview, as they are sometimes called). Serveral versions are available, click on the link that represents your connection speed for the best performance.
A few things to notice:
- A scene not included in the movie: look for the 2-second arial view of an AWACS
- The ending logo: apparently the now-familiar conn tower logo was not ready
- The radar screen used between scenes is never used in the movie
- As is often the case with movie trailers, the composers's music was not ready yet. [Does anybody know what music this is?]
28k (28.8 kbps modem)
56k (56 kbps modem
100k (ISDN, Cable modem
300k (LAN, T1+)
These links require the Real Audio player. Provided by: EntertainmentBlvd.com Movies.